Excellent for corporate retreats.
— Erica M.
Ideal family reunion estate
— Elizabeth W.
The boat house is to die for. I walked in and squealed. It feels antique and magical and crafted.
— Vanessa G. (July 2013)
Mix of early 20th century charm and modern conveniences.
— Joseph L.
ideally suited for weddings, retreats, workshops, as well as simply hanging out.
— Debbie K.
The property has lots of space for people to rest and relax, as well as many wonderful gathering areas. The [Main House] kitchen and dining room are well suited for a crowd, the living room is perfect for game nights or family talent shows, and the private beach is absolutely spectacular.
— Maureen L.
Everything was very clean, tastefully decorated, well-maintained and thoughtfully organized (picnic basket, ... candles, grills, puzzles and books ...)
— Barbara L.
The property is exactly as their pictures depicted on the website. The gardens are gorgeous, buildings updated and clean, the beach and boathouse are great.
— Beth
A special vacation retreat.
— Bethany R.
[The owners] made us feel like family with personal attention; providing excellent recommendations for local services and anticipating and looking out for our needs.
— Stephen H.
Handles large groups well and the three buildings allows alone time when desired. ...Yes, we are planning to return for a fourth [consecutive] year!
— Tom

Excerpted from reviews guests posted on an independent website (www.HomeAway.com/vacation-rental/p328745#reviews)